Sunday, May 3, 2009


Alright so last time I shared with you my favorite manual toothbrush but I feel that I must share with you my least favorite as well. When I saw this for the first time I thought it was a joke and then I had a patient who described this very same brush to me to explain what he used ... It was immediately clear to me why he was not able to clean his molars for at least 6 months.

So I know what your thinking , that doesn't look bad. What is the big deal??? The handle actually doesn't bother me and I can imagine it might be comfortable for someone with arthritis; but take a look at that toothbrush head. I took another picture to compare it to my thumb (which my thumb is bigger than my compact toothbrush head)

People get frustrated because they don't have room to floss, with this I wonder how you have room to brush.

Take a look